Bits & Pieces of My Life

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Paternal grandmother

My paternal grandmother,
Rosa Mae Willis Warren
picture made circa 1940
Birth date Mar 19, 1878 - Died Dec 10, 1945
Born to Jonathan Haven Willis & Sophia Mitchell
Married Major John Warren on March 26, 1902. They were the parents of 8 children. Five boys & 3 girls.
Ray, Guy, Tiny Gray, Roy, Ruby, Doris & Lucille.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Maternal grandparents

Louis Franklin "Frank" 10/17/1856 - 1940
& wife Henrietta Lewis Edwards 1868-1940
circa 1908

Parents of 3 boys, 4 girls
Johnny Weston, Joseph Osborne, Walter Franklin, Selecta Victoria, Annie Melissa, Cora Lee, & Enola
"Ole Homeplace" built in the early 1900's by my grandfather Louis Franklin Edwards. He raised his family in this house then his youngest daughter , Cora Lee Edwards Warren, raised her family here.

As life goes, there are many memories associated with this place... lots of love & fun as well as hard work & hard times. But the happy memories far outweigh the sad memories of time spent here mostly because of the great love of a wonderful mother who instilled in each of her children Christian values by which to live.

It was destroyed by fire sometime in the late 80's or early 90's.
Location was Haw Branch Road, Chocowinity NC

Below is another picture of the old homeplace recently shared with me by a cousin.
This picture was taken in July 1983